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Mexican Ceviche (Mexican Ceviche recipe ) .

Mexican Ceviche

 Mexican Ceviche is a traditional recipe of Mexico . It is not only delicious and tasty but also it is very much healthy . It has several nutrient ingredients so it is much more health oriented .Learn how to make Mexican Ceviche with this recipe for a traditional Mexican version . I have eaten it several times and also learn to make Mexican caviche for my family . Each and every time when I cook it , it always so tasty and delicious .


    How much time taken to make Mexican Ceviche : 

    Preparation Time : 30 minutes .

    Extra additional Time : 1 hour and 30 minutes .

    Total time to fully prepare Mexican Ceviche : 2 hours approximately .

    Ingredients required to make Mexican Ceviche : 

    Mexican Ceviche

    1. Tortilla chips .

    2. Tomato and clam juice cocktail .

    3. ½ cup chopped fresh cilantro or according to taste .

    4. 3 fresh jalapeno peppers , seeded and minced .

    5. 2 cloves fresh garlic, finely diced .

    6. 1 bunch radish , finely diced .

    7. 1 cucumber, peeled and chopped .

    8. 1 large tomato, seeded and chopped .

    9. 2 white onion, finely chopped .

    10. 5 large lemon, juiced .

    11. 1 pound shrimp , peeled and deveined .

    Important Notes : 

    You can add or less the amount of ingredients according to your family members .

    Nutrition Facts found in Mexican Ceviche

    Mexican Ceviche

    Per serving

    1. Potassium: 593 mg .

    2. Iron : 3 mg .

    3. Calcium: 182 mg .

    4. Vitamin C: 70 mg .

    5. Protein: 20 gram .

    6. Total sugar : 8 gram .

    7. Dietary Fibre: 8 gram .

    8. Total Carbohydrate : 60 gram .

    9. Sodium : 735 mg .

    10. Cholesterol: 90 mg .

    11. Saturated fat : 2 gram .

    12. Total fat : 10 gram .

    13. Calories : 390 calories .

    How to make Mexican Ceviche : 

    To make Mexican Ceviche you have to follow some steps  accordingly .

    Mexican Ceviche

    Step 1 : 

    Place shrimp in a bowl , you can coarsely chop the shrimp or leave them whole , depending on your preference . Add lemon juice, covering the shrimp completely . Cover and refrigerate it for just 30 minutes or until opaque and slightly firm .

    Step 2 : 

    Add onion, tomato, cucumber, garlic and radish toss to combine . Gradually add jalapeno and cilantro according to your taste . Stir in tomato and clam juice cocktail to desired consistency .

    Step 3 : 

    Cover and refrigerate it for 1 to 1and half hours . Then serve chilled with tortilla chips .

    My opinion after making Mexican Ceviche

    I have made this recipe a lot of times . And one thing is the taste grows better day by day . Make sure not to use big and large onion , the onion size should be medium . I experienced less onion and more cucumber and radish is a good idea also . 

    Frequently Asked Questions : 

    1. What is Mexican Ceviche made of ? 

    Answer : Mexican Ceviche is made from fish such as mahi mahi , tilapia , red snapper , sea bass , and shrimp, marinated in lime juice , along with tomatoes , onions , cilantro , tomatillos  and cucumber and serve with tortilla chips .

    2. Is Ceviche from Mexico ? 

    Answer : Caviche de Camaron is one of the ultimate healthy Mexican dishes . 

    3. How healthy is Ceviche ? 

    Answer : Ceviche is not only delicious and tasty , but also it has several health benefits due to its high nutrient content .

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